Username & Password

This article addresses the web version and legacy app (CTRN Online Directory). For help with the Online Member Directory app, CLICK HERE.

To change your username and password:

  1. Open your member profile
  2. Type a new username and/or password in the designated field
  3. Click Update to save changes
  • Usernames must be unique and not assigned to another member.  Usernames are not case sensitive.
  • Passwords can be any word or combination of characters.  Passwords are case sensitive.

The password field is blind to protect user privacy. Passwords are encrypted with 128-bit encryption algorithms and are never stored or viewed in plain text.   Admin cannot see a member’s password, but can reset it.

If you can’t edit information in your profile, contact your directory administrator.  They can reset your username/password for you.

Updated on July 22, 2022